Ships route planning with respect of sea wave properties

  • Grinyak V.M.

    V.M. Grinyak Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Grinyak T.M.

    T.M. Grinyak JSC TeraRecon inc. Tokyo, Japan D.A. Akmaykin

  • Denis A. Akmaykin

    D.A. Akmaykin Maritime State University named after admiral G.I. Nevelskoi Vladivostok, Russia


The paper is devoted to the problem of marine safety. A special place in this problem is the task of planning the way: the trajectory of the vessel's movement on the local water area and the route from port of departure to the port of destination. The purpose of planning the trajectory of the vessel on the local water area is to ensure navigation security in conditions of collective movement and geographical features of the water area. The main task of planning the transition route is to optimize traffic with various criteria: shortest path, shortest time, minimum fuel consumption, etc. The proposed article deals with the problem of planning the route of the transition, taking into account the danger posed by sea waves when it affects the vessels of the main classes. The mathematical model of the problem is based on an integral assessment of the degree of impact of sea waves on the vessel along the route of the ship to the destination. The task is to minimize this impact. At the same time, the metric characterizing the degree of danger of sea waves is known industry representations, described by the diagram of the ship's storm on the accompanying waves. In order to reduce computational complexity to acceptable values, the initial optimization problem reduces to the problem of finding the shortest path on a weighted graph. In this paper, we consider methods of partitioning a portion of the surface of an aquatorium by the vertices of a graph, determining the set of edges of a graph, and searching for a vertex tuple that provides the shortest path on a given graph taking into account the accepted metric. The article is accompanied by the results of calculations of the migration routes in the waters of the Japan Sea in stormy weather conditions on the basis of real data on the parameters of sea waves. It is shown that the proposed method of finding safe routes allows to form a systematized view of the degree of potential danger "waiting for" the ship along the way to the destination.

Keywords: marine safety, sea waves, path planning, storm diagram, shortest path..